Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week 63: Will you Prepare to receive temple ordinances? Family History Work

Elder Miller and I spend many hours carrying messages to the hearts of the people we teach.  We testify of the truthfulness of the message of the restoration and through the gift of the spirit help discern the needs of the members we are teaching. We teach often to receive temple ordinances. 

“God has commanded His people to build temples. In the temple we make sacred covenants and are endowed or given a gift of power and knowledge from on high. This power helps us in our daily lives and enables us to build God’s kingdom.' 

 In the temple we can also be married for time and eternity, thus making it possible for families to be together forever in God’s presence.  Newlyweds Dian and Agus will travel with us at the end of April to be married for eternity.  The Presetyo family with four daughters will be sealed for eternity in Manila.
The Budi Waluyo family, Elder Nelson and Elder Zebua  we made paper chains to learn about being sealed together as an eternal family.
Sister Sukaesih has a new passport for Manila
Celestial, Sukaesih, Marsudi and Dewi 

Deceased persons living in the spirit world have the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel and the ordinances performed in their behalf.” “ For this reason, Church members search for information about their ancestors.” Sister Wiji Lestari’s husband and daughter in her early twenties both passed away in a week of time 2 years ago.

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