Friday, November 2, 2018

Week 42: People, Places and the Impact of Difficult Circumstances Living in Indonesia

It is easy to appreciate that we find ourselves so fortunate to live in a nice apartment here in Solo and we have the means to travel and experience the luxury of fine food, quality hotel rooms, and easy transportation to meet new friends.  We took a recent trip to the city of Jakarta and when Robert found out that there was a 4 star hotel called “The Margo Hotel” in Depok a suburb of Jakarta, he was absolutely determined that we would stay overnight there before we flew home. We feel so fortunate to have the means to journey through life with and make happen the things that we want.   It turned out that it was absolutely a beautiful hotel and I was quite happy with my name sake hotel!!  The Elders met us there in the morning for a quick beautiful buffet breakfast and then we set out to meet the parents of a young man that recently was baptized. 

We left our luxury hotel to enter the real life of real people in real places in a country so different than America.  It was important to our friend in Solo  that we meet his family.  The father is retired from a Jakarta city police career as a Commander dealing with corruption.  They were very nice people and welcomed us to their home.  Notice their traditional marriage photo in the background on the wall.  This is an example of a Javanese traditional marriage portrait in traditional clothing that we see in many homes.

Another contact with friends this week was with the sister of one of our missionaries.  She works at a local gas station. Her job is 7 days a week with 3 days off each month.  Long hours and low wages.  Without an education there is little hope for making much more than the equivalent of $ 170.00  U.S. pay monthly. 
We also captured the photos of a local example of distribution of goods by motorcycle.  Can you believe what is done on a motorcycle???!!!! Every-time Robert sees this kind of example,  he looks at me and says ,” Don’t even think about me selling my truck at home and using the yellow “bumble bee” scooter from our house in St George.” Ha Ha 

A funeral was held this week of a 53 year old man from our church congregation who passed away.  Funerals are held within 24 hours of death.  The body is prepared for burial by friends and neighbors.  A devastated and shocked wife was difficult to console.  It is hard to describe the impact of the hard living conditions, low wages, poor quality of food, and stress of difficult circumstances amongst so many people here and it truly affects the longevity of life. Our personal age and the exceptional quality of our health and bodily strength we exhibit when compared with others our same age here is shockingly different.  The quality of life here takes a toll on so many people. They look and act far older than their age.  We in America are very fortunate to eat high quality food, drink clean water, live in communities with adequate sewage and sanitary systems,  organized and systematic ways of collection and disposal of garbage, have good health care available and good higher education is accessible.  We are so thankful for our blessings.


1 comment:

  1. I love reading of the experiences your'e having, and the impact you must have on all those you come in contact with! You two are always so happy and fun and full of the spirit! And I love your matching dresses and ties- so authentic!!
