Friday, August 24, 2018

Week 31: Ke- - an “Circumfix” An Update on Bahasa Indonesia!

August 6, 2018 

We are so appreciative because the young Missionaries are always eager to translate our feelings and thoughts every day.  They also attempt with great enthusiasm to teach us some skills in the learning of the language.  Below is a chalkboard illustration of some teaching time with “Circumfix” adjectives.    damai = peaceful    Apakah anda merasa kedamaian?  Do you feel peace?  Ya, saya merasa kedamaian.  Yes, I feel peace.  Interesting and hard work!!!

We feel that we understand many words but it is extremely difficult to speak with speed and confidence but we will continue to work! work! work! As we do our work, we witness the enduring work ethic of wonderful men and women.  This is “Headwork”
This Sister below cooks 500 of these little wraps (something similar to a little flour, egg, and water crepe) with a little tiny spot of chicken sauce inside.  Six days a week for approximately 17 years.  Elder Miller calculated that she has prepared and deep- fried in hot oil 2,652,000. items, herself, at home in her traditional kitchen.  She distributes and sells to different warongs and carts on the streets for others to sell.  One afternoon as we visited there happened to be a neighborhood party and it was wonderful to see this time of  relaxation and enjoyment for so many very hard workingThis young man below works to  make Javanese hats every day by hand.  Elder Miller bought a “Solo” design which identifies where we live in the Javanese Jawa Tengah. 
These Sisters worked very hard to prepare for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints choir on a special Sunday Ward Conference.  They wore matching skirts (or batik dresses)  which is a tradition for many church events in the Solo area.  Their hard work and preparation provided a beautiful choir program.
For many months this Sister below studied, prayed and worked to learn and  to develop faith and conversion and confirmation of the truth by the power of the Roh Kudus (the Holy Ghost) . Her enduring work and development of faith and understanding by the Spirit led to her decision to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Miller and I met her many months ago and traveled to Semarang to share this special day with her. Missionary Work is such a privilege to be a small part of here in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission.

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